Empowering family connections through nurturing touch

Welcome to Infant Massage USA!

Each year, we train hundreds of people to become Certified Educators of Infant Massage (CEIMs), giving them all the tools they need to bring nurturing touch to their community.

As the U.S. chapter of the International Association of Infant Massage, we act as a nonprofit support network for our CEIMS. They’ve helped us share nurturing touch with over 23,000 families and counting!

Research shows infant massage has many benefits…

  • Accelerated bonding and attachment between children and caregivers

  • Improved muscle growth and weight gain

  • Stress reduction for both parent and child

  • Healthy sleep and digestion

  • Increased parental confidence and competence

  • Enhanced understanding of communication and consent


years serving families

Infant Massage USA has been training and educating communities since 2005.


students trained

Our International Trainers have shared the IAIM’s curriculum across the country.


families reached

CEIMs share our curriculum with five families to earn certification. That process alone extends our reach!

Introducing the SEED Scholarship!

We want infant massage education to be as accessible as possible. That’s why we started SEED: Supporting Early Educator Development!

We award full scholarship for CEIM Training to family professionals committed to working with underserved families - specifically from low-income, BIPOC, and immigrant communities.

Get involved!

Find an Educator Training!

Ready to become a CEIM? Click below to find a Training scheduled near you.

Find an Caregiver/Baby Class!

Parents can learn infant massage by connecting with one of our CEIMS.

Contribute to our cause!

Your contributions help make infant massage a resource for families.