Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM) Training and Certification
Help parents use nurturing touch to feel closer to their babies, reduce their colic and fussing, and help them become healthier and happier.
Infant Massage USA®'s internationally recognized, comprehensive, four-day Parent Educator Certification Training includes everything you need to start.
Infant Massage USA’s 15-point core curriculum, designed by Vimala McClure, author of Infant Massage, A Handbook for Loving Parents gives you the knowledge base, experience, and confidence you need to fulfill your role as an instructor.
Students get practical experience teaching infant massage through the three-day parent-baby class that is part of each training, and through a practicum in their own agency or community afterward.
“The training was excellent. I can tell a lot of thought has gone into the format.
Giving the classes has confirmed for me that I really do have a passion for this field. I enjoy offering parents and caregivers this program to help the development of their children.”
- Student Member
Scroll down for information on our curriculum, learning objectives, training costs, how to enroll, Continuing Education, and more.
What is included in the curriculum?
The training curriculum was created to be comprehensive, evidence-based, interactive, and personal. It is based on the 15-point curriculum developed by Vimala McClure, author of Infant Massage: A Handbook for Loving Parents and offers three opportunities to participate in supervised parent-baby infant massage education classes. Our training presents protocols, adaptations and techniques to work with families and their babies born prematurely and/or with special needs and involves both practical and theoretical work.
Part I is trainer facilitated lecture and discussion including visual slide presentations and videos, trainer guided hand-on practice of massage techniques on a doll, small group discussion and activities including practice teaching and self-reflection exercises. Part II is student directed with written assignment completion, practicum(practice teaching of families) and self-reflection summary.
The training curriculum covers:
Infant massage throughout history and the history of the International Association of Infant Massage organization
Infant massage techniques and how to adapt these skills as infants develop or for specific needs
Effects and benefits of infant massage
Touch research
Bonding and the relationship between infant massage and bonding
Infant and child development in relation to infant massage
Infant cues, crying and behavioral states
Infant handling and positioning
Understanding, supporting and valuing parents
Safety guidelines for the use of oils
Communication, teaching, group facilitation and lesson planning skills
Marketing and promoting massage classes
The learning objectives for Part I (in-person or virtual livestream training) and Part II (assignment and practicum) are below.
Infant Massage Certification Training Part I
In-person or Virtual Livestream Training Course
Identify the benefits of nurturing touch for the infant/child and parent/caregiver
Describe and demonstrate basic strokes/nurturing touch techniques on a doll
Identify infant behavioral states and how these relate to infant massage
List common cues of engagement and disengagement
Identify modifications that can be made in an infant massage class for families and babies who have special/additional needs
Facilitate an infant massage class and guide parents in listening and responding to their infants’ cues
Identify marketing approaches that may work within the community to promote the value of infant massage classes
Infant Massage Certification Training Part II: Practicum
To achieve certification, the student must successfully complete the assignment with a score of 85% or above in five (5) key topical areas:
Growth and Development
Research supporting infant massage concepts
Special situations
Plan and document a marketing presentation.
Present the 5-session infant massage education class to five parent/baby dyads.
How do I become certified?
Part I includes attending the four-day, in-depth in-person or virtual livestream certification training. In-person is generally from 9 am - 5 pm each day; the virtual livestream training times may vary.
Part II includes completing a take-home assignment after the training and:
Teach a five-week infant massage education class, with at least five parents/caregivers participating, following the training. (We refer to this as the practicum.)
Submit your certification package to your International Trainer for review within time period specified by your trainer.
Included in the training fee is a one-year Student Membership with Infant Massage USA beginning with the training date. This membership is updated to ‘CEIM Membership’ when the student receives CEIM status.
Once these requirements are completed, students are certified as a CEIMs (Certified Educator of Infant Massage) and become a full member of Infant Massage USA, and recognized world-wide as a Certified Educator with the International Association of Infant Massage, headquartered in Sweden, which has representatives in over 70 countries around the world.
What will I be able to do with the training?
As a Certified Educator of Infant Massage (CEIM), you will be able to work to educate parents and families in private, group, hospital and agency settings. In addition to teaching parents, you will be qualified to present information about infant massage in your community, participate in research studies, conduct in-service programs, and present at professional conferences.
Teaching infant massage education to parents and caregivers offers a rewarding opportunity to enhance parent-infant bonding, improve and maintain the physical well-being of babies, and facilitate long-term, positive emotional development in families.
Please note that completing this certification confirms you have completed requirements pertaining to the education of parents and caregivers and does not intend licensure for hands-on massage or qualify CEIMs to practice hands-on massage.
What is the cost for training?
The cost of the CEIM training is $795. The tuition includes books and reading materials, in-person or virtual livestream training, home assignment review and certification, and a one-year membership with Infant Massage USA.
Once you enroll for a training, the Trainer will be in touch with payment instructions.
Infant Massage USA Trainers are independent operators and all training costs and payment options are managed by the individual Trainer. Don't hesitate to get in touch with the Trainer if you have additional questions regarding payment options.
Discounts and Payment Options
Early Bird Discount—The training fee is just $770 when you register and pay in full three weeks or more before the training.
Group Discount - Register as a group (three or more) and receive a 10% discount.
Continuing Education
Your tuition does not cover CEU credit. Students applying for continuing education credits must pay an additional $25 fee. Learn more about Continuing Education Credits here.
To learn and teach infant massage, you will need a 20”, softbodied doll. The Infant Massage USA Store sells teaching dolls.
Please note that this is the general cancellation policy for all trainings - If specific concerns arise Students should confirm with their individual Trainer as situations such as travel restrictions or other circumstances beyond control may require a shorter notification period or other adjustments.
Contact your trainer directly with questions regarding transferring to another training, discounts or to arrange for refunds or registration for a future training.
Should a training be cancelled by the Trainer, the Trainer will make every effort to notify the Students at least 2 weeks prior to the event.
Cancellations by Students made at least three weeks prior to the start of the workshop will be granted a full refund, minus a $100 administrative fee. Within 3 weeks of training, no refund will be given.
If cancelling a virtual training where materials were already mailed, or leaving a training before it is completed, it is the responsibility of the participant to return these materials to the Trainer, including associated mailing costs.
Payment must be made in full to reserve a seat in a training. No deposits or holds are permitted.
Within three weeks of a training, transfers are only allowed to trainings by the same trainer, if space is available.
Participant related travel costs in the event of a cancellation or postponement are the responsibility of the Student. It is not recommended to purchase nonrefundable or nontransferable travel.
SEED Program
Infant Massage USA’s SEED program will offer free CEIM training tuition for specific Partners' members, employees, or similar affiliates and provide Sensational Baby Essentials materials at no cost to the participant.
Each quarter, award recipients are chosen by Infant Massage USA’s Selection Committee (dependent on funding, approximately 6 Students per year total) to attend CEIM training at no cost, a $795 value (Students are responsible for materials and any travel/lodging).
How do I enroll in a training?
View all our upcoming trainings from the Become An Educator page. On the calendar, click on the training location that you would like to attend to view the full details and enrollment form.
Have a specific Trainer in mind? Go to our Trainer page to access their enrollment form directly.
Who should attend?
People in a variety of professional fields have found this training to be a wonderful addition to their skills, or a whole new area they want to work in, such as -
Childbirth Educators
Early Childhood Educators
Infant Mental Health Specialists
NICU staff
Occupational Therapists
Physical Therapists
Early Intervention Specialists
Child Life Specialists
Home Vistors
Massage Therapists
Lactation Consultants
Social Workers
Parents and many others!
There are no pre-requisites for the training except to be at least 18 years old and able to communicate well with parents and caregivers.
We also offer a wide variety of Continuing Education Credits to participants from many different fields, from nurses to child life specialists!
Who are the Trainers?
Infant Massage USA Certification Trainings are led by International Trainers who have gone through extensive training with the International Association of Infant Massage, located in Sweden. The minimum requirements for International Trainers include 5 years as a CEIM and experience teaching infant massage education to over 100 families/caregivers, though our Trainers have far exceeded those requirements.
They are part of an international Circle of Trainers which defines the course curriculum, updates it regularly, and work as independent contractors with IMUSA.
I have questions about a specific training - who should I contact?
Contact the Trainer directly for any questions about class availability, travel arrangements, payment questions or issues or other training-specific questions. If you have a physical or sensory impairment (i.e., hearing, speech, vision), and/ or emotional and learning disabilities, please contact your trainer to set up ADA-compliant accommodations. We are happy to help in any way necessary to make learning accessible to you.
You can always find out which Trainer is hosting a training by simply clicking on the training on the Calendar here.
For general questions or assistance, get in touch with Infant Massage USA.
What's the difference between Educator, Instructor and Trainer?
The terms we use are CEIM, CIMI and IAIMT.
CIMI - Certified Instructor of Infant Massage
(sometimes shortened to Instructor)
CIMI is the title the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) located in Sweden uses for those who have completed the 4 day training and practicum requirements. It is recognized in over 50 countries.
CEIM - Certified Educator of Infant Massage
(sometimes shortened to Educator)
CEIM is the term IMUSA, the US chapter of the IAIM uses. CEIMs have completed the in-person or virtual livestream training class and practicum requirements and are also recognized as CIMIs. Click here to view the current CEIM training calendar.
IAIMT - International Association of Infant Massage Trainer
(sometimes shortened to Trainer or International Trainer)
A Trainer is a CEIM who who has gone through extensive training with IAIM. The minimum requirements for International Trainers include 5 years as a CEIM and experience teaching over 100 families/caregivers. Trainers teach the in-person or virtual livestream training classes and certify CEIMS. If you are interested in becoming an International Trainer, click here to go to the IAIM website and learn more.
Is IAIM the same as IMUSA?
IAIM is the International Association of Infant Massage and is located in Sweden.
IMUSA is Infant Massage USA and is the United States Chapter of IAIM.
What about bringing training to my location or agency?
Private Trainings
If you have multiple staff members you would like to be trained, contact a Trainer in your area to set up a private training. Our Trainers are happy to work with you to create the most cost effective option to train your staff.
No Trainings Currently In Your Area
If no training is listed in your area, and you would like to help set one up in your community, please contact a Trainer.
We work with Government, military, etc. Does infant massage usa have a cage code?
Yes! Infant Massage USA’s CAGE code is 9LU43.
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure
Infant Massage USA is committed to adhering to the highest ethical standards. An essential element of preserving the organization’s integrity is to avoid a circumstance where any Infant Massage USA trainer receives any improper personal benefit from his or her service to the Infant Massage USA organization. There is no conflict of interest for anyone with the ability to control content for this activity.