Infant Massage USA Blog
Talking About Race: Resources for Families & Early Childhood Professionals
As the harm of racism in our country is again brought to light in recent events, Infant Massage USA would like reaffirm our commitment to promoting equity and addressing racial injustice. We stand with you.
Parents, caregivers, educators and anyone looking for guidance on conversations about race please utilize the resources below.
What is Nurturing Touch?
At Infant Massage USA we talk a lot about the importance of nurturing touch. Here we’d like to explain a bit more about what nurturing touch is and how it can impact development.
Infant Massage & Stress
“Infant massage is one tool we have to help reshape our child’s interpretations of the world, to release her pain, grief, and fear, and to open her up to love and joy.”
Family Ties: A Personal Story of Mother & Daughter Becoming Infant Massage Educators
Several years ago, a student in my training shared that her mother had massaged her when she was a baby and that she was a CIMI/CEIM.
Resources For Families & Early Childhood Professionals During Physical Distancing
A list of resources for families and those in early childhood professions during the COVID19 crisis, including free e-books, support hotlines, webinars and more.
A message from IMUSA regarding COVID-19
Like you, we are monitoring the COVID-19 coronavirus across the US as well as the world. As a community brought together by the importance of touch this is particularly impactful and our hearts go out to all those who have been affected.
Below you will find a list of suggestions and resources …
Benefits Of Infant Massage
View the full list of the sources for the documented benefits listed on the Benefits of Infant Massage page (here).
Blended Infant Massage–Parenting Enhancement Program on Recovering Substance-Abusing Mothers' Parenting Stress, Self-Esteem, Depression, Maternal Attachment, and Mother-Infant Interaction
This study aimed to determine whether a blended Infant Massage–Parenting Enhancement Program improved maternal psychosocial health outcomes (parenting stress, depressive symptoms, self-esteem, maternal attachment) and maternal-infant interaction among substance-addicted mothers…
Video: Dr. Vonda Jump Discusses Her Infant Massage Research (2012)
Watch this informational presentation by our Trainer Dr. Vonda Jump, Certified International Trainer and Assistant Professor at Utah State University, on her work with infant massage in the United States, Ecuador, Haiti and India.
Infant Massage and Quality of Early Mother–Infant Interactions: Are There Associations with Maternal Psychological Wellbeing, Marital Quality, and Social Support?
Infant massage programs have proved to be effective in enhancing post-natal development of highly risk infants, such as preterm newborns and drug or HIV exposed children.
Less studies have focused on the role of infant massage in supporting the co-construction of early adult–child relationships. …
A CEIM's Perspective of Infant Massage in the NICU
As an occupational therapist and CEIM working in a NICU (Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit), my job may be quite different from many CEIMs around the world. I wanted to share with you some insight into the world of premature infants and specifically what infant massage looks like in the NICU. ...
Nurturing Touch Helps Mothers with Postpartum Depression & Their Infants
Postpartum depression (PPD) strikes one in eight women.
Mothers of premature infants are at especially high risk for PPD because of the amount of stress involved in a premature birth and in caring for the infant in the NICU. ...
Interventions to Support Early Relationships - Infant Massage
PROFESSIONAL/RESEARCH: PEER REVIEWED - The sensitivity of early interactions, conveyed through eye contact, voice tone, facial expression and gentle touch is an essential element in the development of neural connections, affect and behavioural regulation, and secure attachments. ...
Is Touch Beyond Infancy Important for Children’s Mental Health?
Children who experience more functional touch and less aggressive touch were less likely to show symptoms of poor psychological adjustment.
These findings are consistent with the assumption that children of parents who are more responsive, including through touch, are less likely to suffer from emotional and behavioral problems …
Massage for Infants and Children on the Autism Spectrum
It is estimated that 1 in 110 children in the US are considered to have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) which includes autism, Asperger’s syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS). This means that most people know someone whose family is affected by ASD and most Certified Educators of Infant Massage (CEIMs) will work with a baby or child who will be diagnosed with ASD. ...
What is Colic?
“So what is Colic?” and “How many different cries does a baby have?” are the two questions I am most frequently asked. What parents really want to know is: What causes colic, and how is colic defined and diagnosed. How can I make it go away? Underlying all the questions is the biggie: Is it my fault? The answers are more complicated than you might think. ...
Kangaroo Care is Effective in Diminishing Pain Response in Preemies
PROFESSIONAL/RESEARCH: PEER REVIEWED - Kangaroo care has had positive effects on autonomic behavior and state. The state dimension of neurobehavioral organization involves the preterm neonate's ability to make smooth transitions between the sleep, quiet, and awake phases, and to maintain the most desirable state of quiet sleep. ...
Using Infant Massage with Foster Parents
Infant massage helps infants become more regulated. This is the greatest need for most of the infants in the foster care system. Because the infant’s service plan is often to return home he/she may have parental visitation visits which may also include other family members. ...
Bonding Matters, The Chemistry of Attachment
Human babies are born helpless, needing to be entirely cared for and protected. Luckily, they are born with all the necessary tools and “instructions” to attain such care for themselves, and to become a loved and loving part of their family and society. ...
How to Care for Your Baby's Skin
As parents, we know the first five years of a child’s life are the foundation for developing knowledge, skills, behavior and emotions. One of the first ways babies experience the world is through touch – making their tender, delicate skin, and its care, so significant to their overall health and development. ...